Essence All About Roses Pallette

Hi everyone!
Today I decided to review this Essence All About Roses pallette.
You know the feeling when you decide to buy new eyeshadows and always think that the more expensive one is the better, but that doesn't always need to be true.
I decided to buy this pallette and give it a try.
Palette comes in a transparent plastic and you can clearly see the shades. The first thing that I love about it is the rose shades. Essence has five different All About pallettes but this one just stole my heart. I love this shades because they didn't so strong and you can wear them all day long.
Pallette comes with eight shades. The shades are pretty neutral and there is three matte shades and five more shimmery ones. My favorites are second in the first row and second and third in the second row.
Now more about the shades. I think that they have good pigmentation, especially the darkest ones. The texture is more dry then wet and they go on easily.They don't fallout wich is very good and are really easy to blend. I think that the shades are perfect for those with brown eyes, like me.
If you are looking for good palette on budget, don't look anymore. I recommend this one.
I hope you will like it.
Pozdrav svima!
Dosad su svi moji postovi bili na engleskom pa sam odlučila recenzije početi pisati i na hrvatskom jeziku.
Danas donosim recenziju Essence All About Roses palete.
Znate osjećaj kada odlučite kupiti novu paletu i uvijek
mislite da su one skuplje bolje, ali to uvijek ne mora biti istina. Odlučila
sam kupiti ovu paletu i dati joj priliku.
Paleta dolazi u prozirnoj plastici i možete jasno vidjeti
nijanse sijenila. Prva stvar koju volim je njihova roskasta boja. Essence ima
pet različitih All About paleta ali ova me jednostavno osvojila. Također volim
što boje nisu jake pa ih se može nositi i preko dana.
Paleta dolazi s osam sijenila. Ona su prilično neutralne. Tri
nijanse su mat, a ostalih pet su svjetlucave. Omiljene su mi druga u prvom redu i druga
i treća u drugom redu.
Sada malo više o sjenilima. Mislim da imaju prilično dobru
pigmentaciju, osobito one tamnije nijanse. Tekstura je više suha i nanose se
jako lako. Ne truse što je jako dobro i jako se lako blendaju. Mislim da je
paleta savršena za one sa smeđim očima kao ja.
Ako tražite dobru jeftiniju paletu, predlažem vam ovu.
Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti.
Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti.

Nice post :)
Moram da probam ove senke, ja uglavnom koristim takve palete
ReplyDeletePoseti moj blog:
kika's blog
This palette is so cute! I love these colors!
What a gorgeous selection of colors!
ReplyDeleteEnclothed Cognition
Such pretty colours in this palette! Love it!
ReplyDeletex Emily
Lovely post :-)
ReplyDeletexoxo <3
Bas volim takve boje, svaka mi se svidja.Super 💕
This palette looks so gorgeous! these shades are what I like most!
Tamara -
Great review! Thanks for sharing :)
Claire from Dresscape
Love the colors on the eye shadow palette.
I love this shade!
ReplyDelete<3 | X ALY | Aly In Wanderland | Latest: Stripey & Strappy All White Look
You read my mind! I've been looking for a new palette! :)
I love the gorgeous shades! Nice palette! =)
ReplyDelete- Cielo
Mermaid in Heels
I love this pallete. :)
ReplyDeleteFashion, Beauty and Style
I think those colors are gorgeous -Hanna Lei
ReplyDeleteLatest Post: Sweater Weather on Campus
I always had the same mentality of buying more expensive things because I think they are naturally better but often are times when that is not true. Great review on the rose eye shadow palette.
Obožavam ovu paleticu, i ja sam pisala o njoj :) Zapratila sam te, uzvrati ako želiš da se podržavamo u ovom blogosvijetu :)
The shadow colors are so nice and beautiful.
Beautiful! Essence always has the nicest colours.
ReplyDeleteXoXo Noma
I have to say that some times Essence brand surprise me for good, and it's super cheap.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing :)
The shades in that palette looks really good, need to try!
Aiko Cunanan
Odlicna paleta,boje su bas divne :)
Such pretty shades! Hugs, Kait
Though the packaging isn't the prettiest, the shades are beautiful and it's good to hear the pigmentation is decent.
I have heard great things about Essence, and I love how affordable it is! I have to pick up a few things and try it out for myself =) Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeletexoxo, Simona and Indre
So lovely colors...